But to have a holy war against a set of people just because they are members of that set is the worst kind of profiling. 由于某些人的恶行而对之产生怨恨心理,并且一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳,害怕再度与之合作,对此我完全能够理解。
But they remind us that no Holy War can ever be a just war. 但是这些提醒我们,圣战绝不会是正义的战争。
Even so, President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority has called on Palestinians to protect the area and has warned of a holy war if it is contaminated by Jews. 即便如此,巴勒斯坦民族权力机构(PalestinianAuthority)主席马哈茂德·阿巴斯(MahmoudAbbas)还是呼吁巴勒斯坦人为该区域提供保护,并警告称如果此地被犹太人玷污,可能会发生圣战。
State media attributed the violence to Xinjiang separatists who carried banners declaring a 'holy war.' 官方媒体称此次暴力袭击系打着圣战旗号的新疆分裂势力所为。
Holy war and all, you had to respect that. 这是圣战,你必须尊重它。
It is difficult to say, as there are no known records of undead wielding the Holy Light before the Third War. 这事很难说,因为三次战争之前没有有记载的使用圣光的不死者。
Jihad: a Moslem holy war or spiritual struggle against infidels. 圣战:穆斯林反对异教徒的圣战或神圣斗争。
The notion of Holy War is showing that it has not yet lost all its power to intoxicate and to inflame ( Conor Cruise O'Brien) 圣战的观念显示出它尚未失去所有它引人陶醉以及使人激起狂热的力量(康纳克鲁斯奥布赖恩)
It was at that moment that the head of the Christian Church took fright and proclaimed a holy war. 也就是在那时受到惊恐的基督教廷宣布了一场圣战。
North Korea has warned of a holy war against the South, including use of nuclear weapons, while President Lee Myung-bak, of South Korea vowed a merciless counterattack if its territory were assaulted again. 朝鲜警告可能会对韩国发动圣战,包括动用核武器,而韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)则誓言,一旦领土再次遭袭,韩国将进行无情的反击。
Although the Crusade was a holy war between the Christians and the pagans in the name only, the secular factors played an important role in it from the beginning to the end. 摘要虽然名义上十字军东征是一场基督徒对异教徒的圣战,但世俗因素始终起着重要作用。
A wealthy young man named Osama bin Laden came from Saudi Arabia to help fight in this holy war. 一名来自沙乌地阿拉伯的年轻富有男子??奥萨玛?宾拉登,携手加入这场圣战。
Melanie: Yeah, I thought there was going to be holy war but they were all right about it. He complains that his wife is hell on wheels; he is considering getting a divorce. 梅勒妮:是啊,我以为要有大麻烦了,但他们没有就此找茬儿。他抱怨说他老婆总是在找茬儿骂人,他想跟她离婚。
Would such a command be acceptable today as a result of Holy War? 在当今时代,这样的命令会被作为圣战结果来接受吗?
A man who participated in a violent attack in northwestern China this month said he had been recruited to participate in a holy war, according to a rare confession broadcast by state media at the weekend. 中国官方电视台周末罕见播出一个男子的忏悔,本月在中国西北参与一起暴力攻击的这名男子称,他是被招募投入圣战的。
A group of Yemeni religious leaders said Friday that they would declare a jihad or holy war in the event that foreign troops were to intervene inside Yemen. 也门的一些宗教领袖星期五说,如果外国军队在也门境内进行干涉,他们将宣布展开一场圣战。
China has claimed its police had killed five knife-wielding members of a Uighur group waging "holy war". 中国称,警方已击毙号称发动“圣战”的一个维族尔组织的五名持刀成员。
The "al-jazeera" television said during a news program that Omar vowed in his statement to continue the holy war and he is not afraid of bush or any u.s.threat. “半岛”电视台在新闻节目中说,奥马尔在声明中说将继续进行圣战,不惧怕布什和美国的威胁。
RIYADH ( Reuters)-Saudi Arabia warned Muslim militants they would share the fate of their slain leader unless they repented, as al Qaeda vowed renewed "holy war" in the kingdom. 利雅得-(路透社)沙特阿拉伯了他们会分享他们的杀领袖的命运回教的战斗者除非他们后悔,如同基地发誓一样更新了王国的“圣战”。
Cultures are the most dangerous when they invoke holy texts for their defense of holy land through holy war. 当人们诉诸神圣的经典,要透过圣战来保卫圣地时,这样的文化就会变得非常危险。
During the month of holy cease-fire, nobody was allowed to use weapons, nobody was allowed to start a war and nobody was al-lowed to carry weapons into olympiad. therefore, the ancient olym-pics was a symbol of peace and friendship at the beginning. 休战期间,任何人不得动用武器,不得发动战争,不得携带武器进入奥林匹亚,所以古奥运会开始时就是一个和平与友谊的象征。
A holy war by Muslims against unbelievers. 穆斯林反对异教徒的圣战。